Let's Talk About Acupuncture
For starters, acupuncture is old. It is at least 2,000 years old, but believed to be around 3,000 years old. In fact there is a mummy known as Ötzi that is around 5,000 years old and has markings and tattoos that suggest acupuncture treatments!
In 1997, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) documented and publicized acupuncture’s safety and efficacy for treating a wide range of conditions. Acupuncture is usually a part of treatment under the scope of Oriental Medicine (or Traditional Chinese Medicine), along with herbs and supplements, accessory techniques, exercises and nutrition.
It is very safe when practiced by trained, licensed and board certified professionals.
Fertility, Pregnancy and Women's health
These topics are very near and dear to us at Health Point Acupuncture. We love to support women, specially as they navigate their conception journey, family plans, dreams, pregnancy, delivery and recovery.
Besides women's health, pregnancy and fertility in general, acupuncture helps:
Stress management
Digestion issues
Chemotherapy support
Stroke recovery